EECS3311 - Software design - Summer 2015


Getting Started

* Important: Subscribe to the forum for the latest announcements. Please ask all questions relating to the course material on the forum (not via email). For all other questions, see the course instructor during office hours.


The work load in this course, as in most computer science and engineering courses, is high. The course has a large unscheduled laboratory component to it which involves writing and testing Eiffel programs. You should be prepared to devote 12 hours a week on average to the course; this includes class time. With proper planning and discipline, you can spread most of the work load fairly evenly throughout the course.

It is up to you to read and study relevant material without explicit instructions. You are expected to find the required readings in the references and any other sources you can find. Part of the university experience is to acquire a measure of self reliance. The instructor for the course can only guide you as to what is useful to learn; the effort must come from you. The course classes will not cover all the topics in detail. Instead, the classes will cover the most important points and give you pointers as to how the rest of the material can be studied.