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Lab Projects

You will need the file P_2_1.wav to complete Lab 2. Right click on the link to save the file.

You will need the file P_3_9.m to complete Lab 3. Right click on the link to save the file.

You will need the files E_4_1.m and E_4_2.m to complete Lab 4. You may also need the data files P_4_4.mat, P_4_6.mat, and P_4_8.mat to answer the probelms at the end of the lab activity.

You may also need the files E_12_1.m, P_12_1.wav and P_12_2.wav to answer the problems at the end of the lab activity.

You may also need the files P_6.m and P_6_9.m to answer the problems at the end of the lab activity. Right click on the links to save the files.

Format to be followed for the Lab Report: Click on the link for for Lab Report Guidelines. Your reports should follow the format suggested in the guidelines.

Matlab Primer The Matlab primer is a good introduction to the software. You may download the Matlab primer by clicking on this link.

textbook.txt · Last modified: 2012/08/17 21:45 by asif