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Course Outline

1. Course Information

2. Algorithm Analysis Part 1-Chapter 4

3. Algorithm Analysis Part 2-Chapter 4

4. Recursion-Section 3.5

5. Merge sort-Section 11.1

6. Quick sort-Section 11.2

7. Arrays and Linked Lists-Sections 3.1,3.2,3.3

8. Stacks-Section 5.1

9. Queues-Section 5.2

10. Double-Ended Queues/Extendable Arrays-Section 5.3

11. Trees-Sections 7.1 and 7.2

12. Binary Trees-Section 7.3

13. Binary Search Trees-Section 10.1

14. AVL Trees-Section 10.2

15. Heaps-Section 8.3

16. Heap Sort-Section 8.3.5

17. Hashing I-Section 9.2

18. Hashing II-Section 9.2

19. Introduction to Graphs-Sections 13.1 and 13.2

20. Breadth First Search-Section 13.3

21. Depth First Search-Section 13.3

22. Applications of BFS and DFS-Section 13.3

course_outline.txt · Last modified: 2013/07/31 22:09 by kargar