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Use this page to list additional Resources that may be helpful to your students.


you should have the CD4700 library already. If you do not, please follow these steps to install it (you can install it in your directory.

  1. download cd4007.txt and rename it to cd4007.lib (I can not download .lib files)
  2. download cd4007.pdf and rename it CD4007.OLB

Adding a library

  1. Start PSPICE and open a project
  2. In schematic capture, place a part
  3. Click on Add Library
  4. Browse to the cd4007.olb and choose it
  5. Add the library

Adding an include file

  1. When you add a simulation setting, go to “include files” tab
  2. Browse to the file CD4007.lib and add it, when you browse set the f“Files of type” to All Files (*.*) since it defaults to inc files (either as a global to be seen by other projects, or add it to the existing project you are working on).
resources.txt · Last modified: 2014/03/17 14:06 by aboelaze