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Cell-phones and Personal Electronic Devices

Students are not to use cell-phones during lectures. Ideally, cell-phones are turned off during lecture. If it is necessary to keep a phone on, then it should be placed on vibrate mode. If a student must accept a call during lecture, then they should discreetly leave the lecture hall when they are alerted to the call (via vibrate mode) and reenter the fall after completing the call. If a student is found using a cell-phone during a lecture, then they will be asked to leave the lecture hall for the remainder of that particular lecture and will not be eligible to take the quiz associated with the lecture; they thereby forefeit having that quiz qualify toward their marks for the course. This same policy extends to other personal electronic devices, when used for purposes other than those directly related to attending to the lecture.

Academic Dishonesty

For more information on Academic Dishonesty, click here.

policies.txt · Last modified: 2013/08/15 15:45 by wildes