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The weight distribution of the course components is as follows:

  • 20% - Assignments/quizzes
  • 25% - Labs and 2 lab tests
  • 25% - Midterm
  • 30% - Final Exam

I have posted the results for 3 Quizzes, midterm, and labtest1. Soon labtest2 will be posted. If you missed any piece of work, you should see “XX” as your mark. if you don't that means I don't have any medical note for this piece of work and you will get ZERO. If you submitted a medical note, and there is no XX as your mark, please see me. I have few notes with student name not legible.

You can view your marks here.

Conversion from numeric to letter grade is applied to the overall mark only and in accordance with the following departmental standard:

grades.txt · Last modified: 2015/12/11 20:32 by aboelaze