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Laboratory Policy

A mandatory hardware laboratory component is required for EECS3215 (this is why the course has 4 credit weighting). The laboratory is weekly and requires attendance during the student's lab session. If you cannot attend your lab session you will not be able to continue in the course. Students will work individually.

Students should document their lab work in their lab notebooks and with other appropriate documentation. This includes documenting all data collected and answering all questions posed. Students must present the documentation, answer questions about their approach, and demo their lab to the TA at the end of the lab session. Lab quizzes will be used to assess a student's learning for each of the labs, however proper documentation of lab activities will aid the student in completing the quiz.

Academic Dishonesty

For more information on Academic Dishonesty, click here.

Submission Policy

Submit lab documentation and code through the standard departmental submit utility – man submit for help

policies.txt · Last modified: 2015/01/08 19:57 by hchesser