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Lab Projects

All lab activities are based on the text (now out of print): Stonick, V., Bradley, K., Labs for Signals and Systems Using MatLab, PWS Publishing Co., 1996, ISBN 0-534-93808-6

You will need the file P_2_1.wav to complete Lab 2. Right click on the link to save the file.

You will need the file P_3_9.m to complete Lab 3. Right click on the link to save the file.

You will need the files E_4_1.m and E_4_2.m to complete Lab 4. You may also need the data files P_4_4.mat, P_4_6.mat, and P_4_8.mat to answer the probelms at the end of the lab activity. Right click on the links to save the files.

You may also need the files P_6.m and P_6_9.m to answer the problems at the end of the lab activity.

You may also need the files E_12_1.m, P_12_1.wav and P_12_2.wav to answer the problems at the end of the lab activity.

Click on link for for Lab Report Guidelines. Your reports should follow the format suggested in the guidelines.

labs.txt · Last modified: 2009/01/30 19:11 by asif